God makes promises to those He loves and calls some surprising people ‘beloved’:
He grants sleep to His beloved.
King Solomon was called beloved by God despite sinning by having lots of wives and mistresses.
God delivers His beloved.
The Father sent His beloved Son to earth to save us.
John, once nicknamed ‘son of thunder’ by Jesus because of his quick anger, later became known as the ‘disciple Jesus loved’. John was secure in knowing who he was in Christ, in comprehending the love of God which casts out fear.
By the Spirit’s help, I too am beginning to know who I am in Christ, that I am loved and accepted by God. I wobble frequently. But regardless of what I think or feel, the facts don’t alter. I am loved by God.
You may think you are unlovable, that you’re not worthy of being loved. The promise God makes to you is, ‘You who are not beloved, I will make My beloved.’