Years have passed since I last wrote in my journal. Boaz is a grown man now, and taken over the family farm. He isn’t married, says he is waiting for the right girl. I pray she will appear before I am too old to enjoy my grandchildren!
Bethlehem is all stirred up at the minute.
My old friend Naomi has returned. But what a sad home coming for her. She left with a fine husband and two sons. She has come back a childless widow.
‘Don’t call me Naomi anymore,’ she said, ‘call me Mara because God has taken everything away.’
Mara means bitter. That certainly seems to sum up how Naomi feels right now. All I could do was put my arms around her. I’m planning to pop round later with some things for her. All she seems to have are the clothes on her back.
A young woman was with her. Naomi said her name is Ruth. She was married to one of Naomi’s sons and apparently insisted on returning to Bethlehem with Naomi. Ruth reminds me a bit of myself; she’s an outsider who has left everything to be with God’s people. We must make her feel especially welcome.