Mandy Baker Johnson

Living without Shadows

Coffee with Jesus?

‘God loves you.’
I taught it every week.
But did I really know it?
Sure, He forgave me;
was He just being kind?

I thought the Father didn’t like me.
That Jesus and I could never have coffee together.
And the Spirit lived in me under protest.

But then.

The day the Father came into the room
His eyes fixed on mine,
as if I were the most precious thing He’d ever seen.
He scooped me up
and tossed me into the air.
Arms and legs flailing,
a toddler’s happy laughter:
‘Do it again Daddy, do it again!’

Have coffee with Jesus?
Oh yes.
Anyone can be friends.
Wandering in the woods together,
chilling on the patio,
enjoying a good book,
living the life He’s called me to.
He was once a man who cooked breakfast for mates –
He hasn’t changed.

And the Spirit?
Even when I hit the pearly gates
He’ll stay with me.
He won’t sigh with relief and go off to find someone more interesting.
Not dump me in eternity,
lonely and alone.
He sees me, He knows me.
He tells me truth and makes the unseen real.

God doesn’t just love me.
He likes me.


  1. Mandy, this was exactly what I needed to know today. As you know, I’ve struggled for the last 4 years, since mental breakdown, with my identity and purpose. Have just started attending a journalling group and we were told to concentrate on ‘aspirations’. I just realised that what you described, is the sort of relationship I’d love to have with Jesus, through the Holy Spirit but feel that he just tolerates me 🙁

    • Mandy

      21/06/2017 at 7:36 am

      Aw ducky, praying you’ll know more and more of the reality that He loves and likes you. It was John 14:16 that opened my eyes: ‘I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, to be with you FOREVER.’ Both now and when we hit eternity. This beautiful Friend of ours will never ever leave us. xx

  2. wendy Atkinson

    21/06/2017 at 8:33 am

    Thank you so much for this post, Mandy. This brought me to tears as it’s surely REALITY and not a a little religious sentiment. I used to think that God had favourites and I was not one of them. Now I know the opposite is true. He loves me with all of His love and that is incredible and changes everything. Truly knowing His love as a real thing does change everything! Thank you for sharing your wonderful gift of writing once again.xx

    • Mandy

      21/06/2017 at 8:58 am

      You’re very welcome Wendy, I’m thrilled you’ve been blessed by this. Yes, knowing and experiencing God’s love makes all the difference. x

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