Mandy Baker Johnson

Living without Shadows


When I stop and think that the Creator of the universe listens to me when I talk to Him, wow. It’s beyond comprehension! I’m so small and insignificant; He says the nations are like a drop in a bucket compared to Him. But He hears me. Just wow.

I spent March reading almost daily Isaiah 58. There is so much in this chapter that I’ve made the decision to linger awhile. The Holy Spirit is the best Teacher and I love that He is showing me more and more in this passage and taking me deeper.

But what I really wanted to say from Isaiah 58 for this particular blog post is that when I delight myself in God – truly enjoying Him, not trying to impress Him or strive for His attention – He promises that when I talk to Him, He will answer me. When I cry out, He says: ‘Here I am.’ As comforting as a mum (or dad) taking her young child in her arms and soothing them with the reassurance that she is there when they cry out in the middle of the night.

It’s not just my voice He listens to either. He hears the inarticulate cries of my heart. When I’m unable to voice what I think or feel, He hears the silent plea. So many times I’ve seen my Father answer my wordless prayers, when He’d simply heard the longings of my heart.


  1. Agatha Finch

    06/04/2017 at 6:48 pm

    That’s beautiful, Mandy. I’ve been thinking very much about prayer lately too and I love how, even when we’re unable to put things into words, the Holy Spirit helps us. He sees into our hearts and minds and understands. I like the bit where you say He’s as comforting as a mum … previously, I’d looked upon God only as a patriarch and now I seem to be hearing quite a lot about Him being a mother to us also. I like that. Xx

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