Adi and I have just been watching the documentary He named me Malala. It made me realise again how much I have for which to be thankful.
I had an education. Maybe not the best (my senior school has since been bulldozed), but I got my GCSEs and went to college.
There is freedom of speech in the UK.
I’m free to be a follower of Jesus and to pursue His present calling on my life to write and to work with women in the sex industry.
I’ve never been in a war or had to flee my home in fear. There is a scene in the documentary where Malala meets Syrian refugees on the Jordanian border. She could relate, having become a refugee inside her own country before seeking asylum in the UK. It’s so far out of my experience that I can’t begin to imagine what they are going through. But Malala knows, and it showed through.
So today I’m celebrating my life, thankful to God for the generous benefits He’s given me. I am who I am by His grace alone.
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