Mandy Baker Johnson

Living without Shadows


Five Minute Friday

Five Minute Friday is where bloggers from around the world write for five minutes flat on a topic chosen by Lisa-Jo Baker without stopping to edit or self-critique our work. The topic for this week is: Garden.


My Grandma had a small but lovely garden. Even though I didn’t catch the green fingers of the Gascoine side of my family, I appreciated seeing all the blues and whites and pinks when I opened the front gate and walked up her garden path. Remembering those beautifully set out flower beds, names like lobelia and alyssum and nasturtiums come to mind. Each plant responded to water and sunshine, opening their leaves and petals so that everyone could enjoy them.

Grandmas Garden

Thinking about my Grandma’s garden has reminded me that my life changed a few months ago when I understood that I don’t have to strive to please God and bear spiritual fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, etc. By loving and enjoying Him – responding to the watering of reading the Bible and the sunshine of His Holy Spirit working in me – spiritual fruit will happen. Jesus said that if I abide in Him (stick to Him like glue) and let His Word abide in me, I will bear spiritual fruit. It’s a promise. And Jesus never breaks His promises.



  1. Stopping by from FMF…I remember my grandma’s garden too…rhubarb is what I remember most of all. And I didn’t get green anything either – although I putter around every year, just in case it’s something you acquire late in life! I appreciate your thoughts on bearing spiritual fruits – what a beautiful way to be a garden for the whole world to enjoy.

  2. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful memory. I can see the colors and the walk in my mind. What a great picture of God’s work in you.
    Visiting from 5 Minute Friday!

  3. Mandy

    15/02/2014 at 11:11 am

    Thanks for your encouraging comments Cara Mae and Lisa!

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