It’s been a while since I’ve participated in Five Minute Friday. This is where bloggers from all over the world write for five minutes, without stopping to edit, on a subject chosen by Lisa-Jo Baker. The topic this week is Ordinary.
Most of us consider ourselves ordinary. We want to fit in, be accepted, and not stand out for the wrong reasons. Can our lives be significant?
Let’s think of an ordinary, everyday object: a pen. Costs as little as a few pence (especially the blue Bic biro which is what I favour), but it can be used to do extraordinary things. A mere pen can be used to write an encouraging note, send a card letting someone know you’ve remembered them, or write a masterpiece. The way an ordinary tool is used can make it significant.
God doesn’t see us as ordinary. He loves us so much – and that includes you – that He sent His Son to die for us. We were cut off from a relationship with Him, which is a terrible position to be in. But the Father wanted that relationship restored and so He paid the only price that could buy us freedom and put us in the extraordinary position of being adopted by the Father: Jesus’s death was that price. The worth of an object is determined by its cost. Your worth is that someone who loves you more than you can ever imagine died for you.
When an ordinary person has been adopted by God, they become extraordinary. Life has significance and meaning. You can know genuine peace and security.
Don’t settle for ordinary – get to know God and be extraordinary.
11/10/2013 at 12:16 pm
Great post Mandy; I loved the analogy of the pen; very true 🙂
11/10/2013 at 11:56 pm
Beautiful post, Mandy. God does transform the ordinary. As the author Paul Tripp notes, “God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things in the lives of others.” Blessings to you. Stopping by from FMF.
12/10/2013 at 8:50 am
Thank you.