Mandy Baker Johnson

Living without Shadows

Month: April 2013

How Much Do You Really Want It?

Adrian and I saw Ludovic Einaudi at the Royal Concert Hall in Nottingham yesterday evening.  It was excellent.  I’d surprised Adrian with tickets for his birthday but, to be honest, I was expecting to be a little bit bored.  I enjoy listening to music, but prefer it to be in the background while I’m doing something else like reading or writing.  But to hear such great music live was a good experience.  The small orchestra was multi-talented with different instruments and the symphony and harmonies (forgive me if I get the terms wrong, I enjoy music but am not particularly musical!) were exquisite.  The music was relaxing, uplifting, exciting and dramatic in turn.  I got completely lost in it and found my heart full of worship to God as I listened.

Ludovic Einaudi

Einaudi bowed at the end of the concert, along with his orchestra, and they disappeared off stage.  The audience gave them a well-deserved standing ovation.  Some whistled and shouted to show their appreciation.  But, on the whole, we remained very British and simply clapped.  Loudly.

We kept clapping and the stage remained empty.  Adrian leaned down to me and whispered:  ‘Do you think he’s going to come back?’  I replied:  ‘Surely, he can’t resist the pressure!’ because the several hundred-strong audience was clapping in unison.  The clapping got quicker and quicker, louder and louder.  Still no sign of Einaudi.  I wondered if, like Beethoven, he might be deaf and couldn’t hear how much we wanted him to come back and delight us with his music.

At that point, I sensed God asking me:  ‘How much do you want this?’  He wasn’t asking me how much I wanted to hear Einaudi again.  He was looking into my heart, asking how much I wanted Him to answer a particular prayer request (well, two actually) for which I had been praying all the way through the concert.  How much did I really want Him to work?  Was I prepared to persevere until there is breakthrough?

Even while I pondered these things, a great roar went up.  Einaudi and his orchestra came back on stage.  We all settled back down in our seats and enjoyed more beautiful music.

Jesus taught that when it comes to prayer, the Father yearns to bless us with good things.  His ears are open to our cries.  He is generous and compassionate and concerned to give us the very best.  Jesus encouraged us to ask, seek and knock in our praying.  He promises that for those who ask, it will be given.  For those who seek, we will find.  For those who knock, it will be opened to us.  God isn’t interested in being (indeed, He isn’t!) a heavenly slot machine whereby we recite a prayer and blessing immediately comes out.  Oh no.  Often when we pray for things, God is interested in changing and sanctifying our hearts through our prayers.  His desire for us is that we delight ourselves in Him so that He can give us the desires of our hearts, because it’s when we delight ourselves in Him that our desires change to be more in line with His.

The Father also wants us to learn persistence and perseverence in our praying.  Jesus told a parable about a persistent widow, to show that God isn’t hard-hearted and tight-fisted but that He longs that we develop faith in Him.  A faith that says no matter how long it takes or how things turn out, we will trust Him.  When Jesus met a Canaanite woman during His time as a man on earth, He gently tested her faith.  She cried after Him, asking Him to have mercy on her daughter who was severely oppressed by an evil spirit.  He questioned her, testing her:  how much did she really want what He dearly wanted to give?  The end result was that Jesus praised her great faith, granted her desires and healed her daughter.

If you are longing for God to act in your life, in the life of someone you love, or in a particular situation, may I encourage you to persevere in prayer until you see a breakthrough.  It may not be what you expect – God delights in surprising us and doing over and above our expectations – but He will answer.  Keep asking, seeking and knocking.

Refuse To Do Nothing

Refuse to do Nothing

What a book!  When it arrived in the post, I was surprised to discover it was all about modern-day slavery.  Huh?  But I was intrigued because it was written by two normal-sounding, ordinary mums.  Right from the Foreward, Refuse to do Nothing is gripping reading.  Sometimes I was horrified by what I read; there were times it made me feel nauseous, there were lots of tears, and sometimes I had to take a breather between chapters so that I could process the issues raised.  But I was compelled to keep turning the pages.

In the initial chapters Shayne Moore and Kimberly McOwen Yim introduce themselves and their families, and share how human trafficking/slavery first came to their attention.  Throughout, their mantra is that we shouldn’t just read the book, cry, and then move on.  Oh no, they are passionate that we each do our bit – no matter how small – to end the suffering of modern-day slaves.  In almost every chapter they give the US National Human Trafficking Hotline number (888 373 7888) – it’s 0800 0121 700 for the UK – and urge readers to keep this number in their phones so that they have it to hand when they come across a victim of human trafficking.

The early chapters cover the fact that human trafficking exists – even on your own doorstep – and reveals some useful tips for how to spot it.  There are more slaves now than there have ever been.

The later chapters deal with particular issues:

*  Do you know all the components that make up your smart phone?  Where do those components come from?  How are they mined and by whom?  Are the working conditions fair?
*  What about chocolate?  Is your favourite company’s brand guilty of using slave labour and exploitation of children?  Which supermarkets make a point of stocking fair trade chocolate?  And which are out for the cheapest price?
That bargain blouse I saw, why is it cheap?  Is it because the high street store is having a sale?  Or was it manufactured in shocking conditions by slaves?

Shayne and Kimberly are keen that we are not just shocked, but that we take action.  They clearly point to actions individuals can take that will make a difference.  There are useful websites to check which companies and stores stock fair trade goods and who stand against using slave labour.  At the close of each chapter there are reflection questions as well as suggestions of how to take action.

As I read of the awful misery and suffering that human trafficking causes – and remembering an Asian expatriate working in Abu Dhabi who told my friends with tears in his eyes that they were the first people who had spoken kindly to him in months – I had to make some changes.  The UK national hotline for human trafficking is now on my iPhone, just in case.  I find myself looking at people (door-to-door salesmen, cleaners, etc) with different eyes – are they doing this because they have chosen to do it or because they are being forced to do it?  My husband and I are becoming much more selective about what we buy.  You see, once we know about human trafficking, we have a responsibility to act.

Refuse to do Nothing is changing my life.  Some of the horrific stories contained within its pages haunt me.  I can make small changes:  I can pray for an end to human trafficking.  And I can be responsible about what I purchase.  But I cannot sit back and refuse to do nothing….

Thank you to IVP for providing me with a free copy of this book for the purpose of writing a review.

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