Mandy Baker Johnson

Living without Shadows

A Novel + A Skull = Unexpected Worship!

I was reading the latest Michael Connelly book this afternoon when I came across a piece of courtroom dialogue discussing the thickness of the human skull.  Like a bright shaft of sunlight breaking through cloud, it hit me that it was God who gave me my skull.  He lovingly and skillfully wove me together in my mother’s womb, and the skull He so carefully developed from my parents’ chromosomes is the one I still have!  I’d always taken my skull for granted, it’s just there protecting my brain and giving my face its shape.  But this afternoon a huge smile lit up my face as a wave of pure joy and a feeling of awe swept over me, and I lifted my hands and heart in a brief moment of worship.

How wonderful that God is intimately involved with the conception and development of human life.  He is the one who sets all the processes in motion, developing the human embryo from conception through the foetal stage to birth.  The Bible describes Him as being intimately and actively involved in this process (Psalm 139:13-17).  Marvellous though this is, it is not just a physical work He is doing.  He also knows all about the person we are from conception, our childhood, our teenage years, our choices as adults.  He knows what job we will do, all about our career, whether we will marry and have children, our disappointments and the things we will enjoy.  Even before our conception, God knows us (Jeremiah 1:5):  whether He will become precious to us or whether we will choose to disregard Him and suppress the natural human belief that He exists (Romans 1:18-23).

Your skull was woven together by God specifically for you, perfect for the life that He planned for you to live.  Ever thought to thank Him for your skull?


  1. i wanted to use your rssFEED but the feed url showing me some XML errors…

  2. Mandy Baker Johnson

    11/07/2011 at 7:33 pm

    Hi Ludovika

    Here is the link for the RSS Feed for my blog:



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