I read Influential Women by Wendy Virgo recently after Grace Church’s Terry and Wendy Virgo Weekend last month.  Wendy spoke at Grace’s first ever ladies’ event, where she was both helpful and inspiring.  Afterwards I bought her book Influential Women.  The tagline intrigued me:  ‘From the New Testament to today – how women can build up (or undermine) their local church’.  How true that is, women do have influence in their local church for good or for bad.  I have seen women who undermine, and women who build up.  And I know who I would rather be around, and who I would prefer to imitate.

Wendy takes a refreshing look at various well-known (and slightly less well-known) female Bible characters such as Priscilla, Euodia and Syntyche, Lois and Eunice, Tabitha, and others.  Wendy displays a real knack of bringing their stories to life and revealing their relevance for today.  Her book is full of down-to-earth, godly wisdom.  There is something for everyone here, and I defy any Christian woman to read it and remain unchanged.

I loved this book, it is absolutely brilliant.